Lime in Asphalt

Lime in Asphalt
Did you know that multiple roading authorities and state transportation departments have found that incorporating hydrated lime and limestone fillers into hot mix asphalt can improve the quality and durability of asphalt pavements and extend the lifespan of a highway?
Benefits of Hydrated Lime in Asphalt
- Improved Adhesion and Reduced Stripping: Hydrated lime helps reduce stripping by reacting with highly polar molecules that would otherwise form water-soluble soaps that promote stripping.
- Enhanced Chemical Properties: Hydrated lime is chemically active and reacts with bitumen. The reaction results in tiny particles dispersing throughout the mix making the pavement more resistant to rutting and fatigue cracking and simultaneously removing undesirable components.
- Reduced Oxidation and Aging: Hydrated lime reduces cracking by forming polar molecules that intercept and deflect cracks. Polar molecules, in turn, increase the volume of lime particles and assist in preventing cracks from growing.
Rajasthan Lime supplies top-quality hydrated lime and limestone fillers in time at the best prices. Contact us to enquire about the same.