
The company possesses advanced machinery and equipment that are handled by experienced technicians and workers. The infrastructure is managed by a team of professionals, technocrats and mining experts. Following are our manufacturing locations,
1.Borunda & Khiwshar (Rajasthan)In the units at our above locations, we are producing Regular Lime (i.e. SiO2 – 3% Max.) & Low Silica Lime (a special product developed for ladle refining of molten metal, at our Khiwshar Plant). Hydrated Lime plant is situated at Borunda. Total number of Kilns at the above location are 8, having capacity of around 150 M.T. per day.
2.Yadwad (Karnataka):The above unit produces lower grade of Calcined Lime & Hydrated Lime suitable for Sugar Factories, Aluminium Industry and caters to units in the southern India due to geographical advantages. The number of Kilns at above unit are 7 having capacity to produce 120 M.T. per day.
3.Wani (Maharashtra)We have setup the plant above, to exclusively produce White Dolomite. The above plant was commissioned in 2007 to cater the demand of Steel Plants, Ferro Plants & Refractories. The total capacity of the above plant is 50 M.T. per day. Further expansions are planned & will increase the capacity to 100 M.T. per day.
Our Laborat0ry
We have installed a fully fledged laboratory for doing the various quality checks. The quality of our products is constantly monitored by our quality experts in the ever busy laboratory. All the recommended tests of our products are done at the lab on continuous basis. The raw materials procured from the best available sources undergo material testing prior to production of our finished products. We are armed with all required equipment for testing in our laboratory. We adapt new conditions and technology in the laboratory whenever required.
The company has won the confidence of countless clients worldwide with its range of products. We enjoy the dedicated patronage of our customers spread across the length and breadth of the globe.