Rajasthan Lime

We are manufacturer of Calcined Lime, Hydrated Lime, Dolomite Lime and Limestone.

Automatic Kiln Feeding Machine

We are first in the industry to automize the feeding system with the help of crusher and belt system, making our quality consistent


We are supplying Lime into various sectors like Sugar Industry like Iron Steel, Paper Industry, Fertilizer Company and many more


We have manufacturing locations at Borunda & Khiwshar – Rajasthan, Yadwad – Karnataka and Wani – Maharashtra

Sales Network

Since last 25 years our sales network is ever growing over the length and breadth of the globe. Rajasthan Lime Company has become a trusted name among Industries as trusted and reliable supplier of Lime and associated products.

Quality Recognition

From over a decade we are certified with ISO 9001:2008.

At Rajasthan Lime we follow the most stringent quality procedures that are in compliance with international standards. Our commitment to quality has been our hallmark.

Trusted Lime Manufacturers in Rajasthan

We are manufacturer of Calcined Lime, Hydrated Lime, Dolomite Lime and Limestone. We have our manufacturing facility in multiple locations. Initially the group was introduced to Lime manufacturing in 1984 through supply of steam coal to Lime Kilns. Demand for Lime was huge in western part of India mainly due to number of Sugar factories and our group picked upon the opportunity. Initially Rajasthan Lime Company started trading of Lime from Rajasthan to Maharashtra & Karnataka mainly. After getting good response from our customers, we increased the scope of Lime business and the group ventured into manufacturing of Lime in 1986. Over a period of time our group started supplying Lime into different se

It has been 25 years, Rajasthan Lime Company has become a trusted name among Industries as trusted and reliable supplier of Lime and associated products. Our daily manufacturing capacity is 250 MT of Quick Lime and 100 MT of Hydrated Lime in different locations.

It is our objective to build our organization through quality work, adding every potential customer through mutual benefit & trust, adding value to each of our product witctors other than Sugar Industry like Iron & Steel, Paper Industry, Fertilizer company, etc.h diversification and utilizing natural resources through optimum & efficient use. Within the short period of its operations the company has established itself as an organization which is able to meet its commitments to customers on quality and delivery.

The company is destined to maintain the highest standard of conduct and integrity in business. It endeavors to serve its customers through its quality products and proactive services.

Let’s Get In Touch

Our Values

From foundation three values have driven all the activities of our organization.


We will deliver the promised quality to our customers.

Timely Delivery

We will deliver material as required by our customers on time.

Best Prices

We assure our customers the best available price at any point of time.
Our Clients